Monthly Archives: September 2006

Google updates pagerank


I just noticed that google is in the proccess of updating the public pagerank values (the real pagerank is updated in real time)

I am happy that this blog has now pagerank 5, and it appears that the webdigity webmaster forum will get a 5 too!

Please share your results here. What is the PR you are getting? To check the pagerank while is in the update progress, use this tool.

DZone reaches 500,000 clicks monthly


It seems that the developer social network DZone is having success, and I think it deserve it, as it is one of the best services for developers and the only social network for them.

If you don’t know this site, then I can say that it is a site like digg, that has development related content (databases, php, python, .net, java, etc.) People can submit and vote for stories, and the top rated stories are displayed in the front page.

For more information check their blog here.

Text link ads introduces Feedvertising


Today text link ads announced their new monetization program called Feedvertising. Feedvertising is a program for those who want to make money from their RSS feeds, and as they say,

Bloggers can use our FREE Feedvertising technology to run text link ads in your RSS feed. Whether the ads come from us, your own in-house efforts, or your affiliate links… the choice is totally up to you!

The only bad thing at the moment is that this service is available only to webmasters that use wordpress 2.0+, but I guess it wont be so hard to implement it on a “home grown” RSS feed.

By the way if you are allredy using the feedvertising program, please share your thoughts.

The future of search engines. Time for a new Google


After Yahoo bought in December, deli now jumped from 300,000 to 1,000,000 members! I think that’s a good growth rate, but I have one question:

Why Yahoo is not monetizing this site yet? Maybe stands for a later bigger project or something? I guess we will get the answer in the future…

But as mentioned here :

Joshua made an interesting distinction. Instead of finding information a la Google, social search is about finding knowledge. The idea is how do you connect with the information you need in a context that’s knitted together by people and by human expertise, rather than the linear way we do it now, which is to type a search term into a box.

It seems that what I thought before some months is real and is about to happen soon. What is this? A search engine powered by social network data. Think of it, it could be a great search engine, and best of all spam free as the rankings would come from the users.

My opinion is that stumbleupon could do this right, but it seems that is going for it right now.